After numerous failed attempts, they discover that the creatures are afraid of Reptools, which forces Revvit to face his own fear of the Trux. In " Rollodons" the Trux are forced to deal with tar seeping up through the ground, and attempt to persuade the migrating Rollodons to help them. In " Night" Ty leads the Trux to collect rubber to make a new pressure seal for Dozer, only to find the Garage besieged by Scrapadactyls upon their return that are driven off by Waldo's efforts. They then attempt to get the tools to safety in the Reptool Ravine, only to be imperiled by the meteor when it is set rolling by D-Structs.

In " Ottos" the group encounters a new group of Reptools, the Ottos, after seeking out a newly crashed meteor. Unfortunately, D-Structs repays this kindness with a second attack, this time with his new sawblade tail, though he temporarily loses it due to charging off before it's properly installed. In " New Tail", Dozer and his friends are attacked by D-Structs, only to end up saving him from a cliff ledge surrounded by Scraptors, much to Dozer's consternation.

Working together with the tools, they construct a fake ravine as a decoy and then use it to deal D-Structs a humiliating defeat.

In " Fake Ravine" Dozer and his friends learn that D-Structs is after the Reptool Ravine as a means of eliminating their means of getting fixed. In " Sandstorm" Dozer and his friends lock up after being caught in a sandstorm, but are able to convert a newly discovered geyser into a Trux Wash. In " Desert" Ty leads the Trux out into the Endless Desert to find a replacement part for Garby after it's stolen by D-Structs' Scraptool minion Skrap-It. Though initially detesting their presence, he grows fonder of them as time goes by, and even gives them the names Shelly, Buffy, Jack, and Dozer Jr. In " Tortools" Dozer and his friends encounter the titular creatures, four of whom imprint upon Dozer and consider him to be their mother. In " Garby" the group approaches Garby the Stegarbasaurus for help in determining the best kind of rock with which to build an Ore Station to keep their food safe. In " Pit" the Trux end up trapped at the bottom of a sinkhole thanks to D-Structs, but are able to build a means of escape thanks to the efforts of Revvit and the other tools. In " Scraptors" Dozer and his friends are forced to deal with the predators to rescue Ton-Ton, making a new Dozeratops friend named George in the process. In " Garage" the work suffers due to group personality problems exacerbated by D-Structs, but the group reunites to save Ty and complete the build. The group would later add Revvit's friends Click-Clack, Ace, and Waldo to their ranks in " Scrapadactyls", and set about building a Garage to protect them all from various threats as well as give the Tools a place to repair the Trux. The clash lands Dozer in a nearby tar pit, from which he is saved by Ty, Revvit the Reptool, Skya, and Ton-Ton the Ankylodump, leading to him joining their group. Not wishing to put up with another T-Trux besides D-Structs, Dozer attacks Ty in an effort to get rid of him. In " Ty and Revvit", Dozer is first seen with other Dozeratops who spot Ty Rux in the Crater talking to Skya the Craneosaur.